
International Programs

Partner Schools

174 schools in 60 countries

In an increasingly interconnected world, the pursuit of higher education requires international perspectives. Aiming to nurture business leaders with a Frontier Spirit, NUCB Business School has established a robust partner network with prestigious business schools worldwide. In addition, our exchange program provides a wealth of options for gaining experience abroad and overseas collaboration, providing leaders with global ambitions an opportunity to expand their horizons and endowing them with skills that translate to every culture and society.

PIM Member Schools

Our school is a proud member of the PIM Network of business schools. Our membership (the 68th in the world), which is essential to further accelerate the quality of MBA study and internationalization at our Graduate School of Management, was made official at the 2022 PIM Annual Conference (Oct. 26-28) held at Warwick Business School.

In 1973, the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), New York University (NYU), and London Business School (LBS) established an international business student exchange organization, Partnership in International Management (PIM). Today, PIM operates as a consortium of the world's top business schools, exchanging selected students for a period of time, governed by a charter signed by all PIM members, including Columbia Business School, Booth School of Business (University of Chicago), HEC Paris, NYU Stern, and many others.

Partner Schools

Europe (70)

Asia (42)

North America (33)

Central and South America (13)

Middle East (7)

Africa (3)

Oceania (3)