Tak Yin Hui
Associate Professor

Dr. Hui received a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Management from the City University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining NUCB Business School in 2020, he taught at five different universities in Hong Kong and Macau. His academic interests include leadership, employee coaching, HRM, work motivation, and employee adaptation in organizational contexts. His research work has been published in numerous international refereed journals including the Journal of Organizational Behavior, the International Journal of Human Resource Management, the Australian Journal of Management, and Career Development International.
Research Interests
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Employee Learning and Development
Final Education
Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong
Awards & Honours
- (2024) Teaching Award 2023, NUCB Undergraduate School. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
- (2024) Research Award 2023. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
- (2024) Research Award 2021. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
- (2024) Research Award 2020. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business
- (2023) Teaching Award 2022, Undergraduate. Kurimoto Educational Institute
- (2020) 2020 Emerald Literati Award- Outstanding Paper (in Career Development International). Emerald Publishing and Career Development International
Academic Papers
- Tak-Yin Hui (2024) Disability employment and work outcomes: The roles of hospitality job position and emotion. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism :1533-2845
- Tak-Yin Hui (2024) The mediating role of self-regulatory emotions in the relationship between peer coaching and student learning in higher education. Studies in Higher Education :0307-5079
- Tak-Yin Hui (2023) Perceived usefulness of, engagement with, and effectiveness of virtual reality environments in learning industrial operations: the moderating role of openness to experience. Virtual Reality :1434-9957
- Tak-Yin Hui (2022) Leader-member exchange and turnover intention among collegiate student-athletes: the mediating role of psychological empowerment and the moderating role of psychological contract breach in competitive team sport environments. Journal European Sport Management Quarterly :1746-031X
- Tak-Yin Hui (2021) The influence of team-member exchange on turnover intention among student-athletes: the mediating role of interpersonal self-efficacy and the moderating role of seniority. Sport Management Review :1839-2083
- Tak-Yin Hui (2021) Work-life balance of Chinese knowledge workers under flextime arrangement: the relationship of work-life balance supportive culture and work-life spillover. Asian Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1) :2210-6723
- Tak-Yin Hui (2021) Online or Offline? Coaching media as mediator of the relationship between coaching style and employee work-related outcomes. Australian Journal of Management :0312-8962
- Tak-Yin Hui (2020) Disability employment in the hotel industry: Evidence from the employees’ perspective. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism 19 (4) :15332845
- Tak-Yin Hui (2019) Performing versus adapting: how leader’s coaching style matters in Hong Kong. International Journal of Human Resource Management :09585192
- Tak-Yin Hui (2019) A resource-based perspective on work-family conflict: An updated meta-analysis. Career Development International :13620436
- (2024) Investigating the Impacts of Anthropomorphism on AI Perception: Moderated Mediation Effects of Openness to Experience and Team-member Exchange with AI as Teammate. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Primary Researcher
- (2021) A Study of E-coaching and Work Performances under the New Normal: The Relational-cognitive Mechanism of Leader-member Exchange and Self-efficacy. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Primary Researcher
Book & Case Publishing
- Ray Tak-yin HUI (2024) The Health and Wellbeing Coaches' Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide for Clinicians, Coaches and Health Professionals. Taylor & Francis
- Ray Tak-yin HUI (2024) Asian Leadership Models. Taylor & Francis
- V. P., Lau, T.W.Y., Man., & A., Wong (2019) Ten ways of transforming the management: Change and innovation of Hong Kong corporations. Infolink Publishing Ltd.