
Faculty & Research

Seiichiro Iwasawa


Seiichiro Iwasawa


Prior to starting his academic career at NUCB Business School in 2011, Dr. Iwasawa worked at Nomura Research Institute Ltd. and Nomura Securities Co., Ltd, as securities strategist, quantitative analyst, and Japanese stock strategist. He completed MBA and doctoral programs while he was at Nomura, and received an MBA from Boston University, and a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University prior to which he received a bachelor's degree from the School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. Dr. Iwasawa specializes in behavioral economics and finance.

Research Interests

Behavioral Economics, Behavioral Finance

Final Education

Ph.D., Harvard University

Awards & Honours

  • (2023) Outstanding Teaching Award 2022, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2022) Outstanding Teaching Award 2021, Graduate School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2021) Teaching Award 2020, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2020) Outstanding Teaching Award 2019, Graduate School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2019) Outstanding Teaching Award, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute

Academic Papers

  • Seiichiro Iwasawa (2024) Can GPIF’s ESG Investments Improve Risk-Adjusted Return of Its Portfolio?. JSRI Journal of Financial and Securities Markets 126

Book & Case Publishing

  • Seiichiro Iwasawa (2020) Behavioral Economics. Discover 21