
Faculty & Research

Tomofumi Anegawa


Tomofumi Anegawa


Dr. Anegawa received a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University in 1991, and served at Keio University from 1983 to 2019 before joining NUCB Business School. He is a Fellow of the Tokyo Center for Economic Research (TCER) and a councilor of the Institute of Medical Science, and also plans and implements educational programs for developing grand designs in Japan. Dr. Anegawa’s research interests lie primarily in regulatory policy analysis and pharmaceutical industry analysis.

Research Interests

Industrial Organization Theory, Medical Economics

Final Education

Ph.D., Yale University

Academic Papers

  • Tomofumi Anegawa (2019) Problems of 2018 Nobel Economic Sciences Prize-Hirofumi Uzawa’s Contribution to Economic Growth Theory and Climate Change-. Keio Business Review 36 (1) :03877086


  • (2024) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B), Management and Education for Regional Technological Innovation Program- International Comparative Study of Technological Innovations and Entrepreneurship. JSPS Primary Researcher