
Faculty & Research

Yutaka Harada


Yutaka Harada


Dr. Harada is one of the eminent economists in Japan. He began his career at the Economic Planning Agency of the Government of Japan, and served as director in several divisions of the agency. He was the Vice President of the Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, a Chief Economist, and a Senior Managing Director of the Daiwa Institute of Research. Prior to his joining NUCB Business School as a full professor in 2020, he served as one of the members of the Policy Board, Bank of Japan. He is the author of more than 60 books and numerous papers in refereed journals. He received a Ph.D. in Economics from Gakushuin University in 2012, a Master’s degree from the University of Hawaii, and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Tokyo.

Research Interests


Final Education

Ph.D., Gakushuin University

Awards & Honours

  • (2023) The Japan Statistical Society Nakamura Takafusa Award. The Japan Statistical Society

Academic Papers

  • Yutaka Harada (2020) Non-traditional monetary policies and their effects on the economy. International Journal of Economic Policy Studies

Book & Case Publishing

  • Harada, Yutaka (2023) What is High Pressure Economy?. Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs,Inc.
  • Yutaka Harada (2022) Putin's Failure and the Strength of Democracies. PHP Publishing Company
  • Yutaka Harada, Hiroki Shimazu (2022) Japan should not be fooled by the "de-growth theory" !. Bijinesu-Sha
  • Yutaka Harada, Daiju Aoki, Toru Ibayashi (2022) Japan's growth strategy that it didn't learn. Chuo Keizaisha
  • Yutaka Harada (2021) Cost-effectiveness of Covid-19 policy. Chikuma Shobo
  • Yutaka Harada (2021) Fighting against Deflation. Chuokoron-shinsha, INC
  • Yutaka Harada and Mikiko Wada (2021) Economic Policy Thoughts of Ishibashi Tanzan. Nihon Hyoronsha