
Faculty & Research

Yasutomi Kitahara


Yasutomi Kitahara


Before joining NUCB Business School in 2012, Dr. Yasutomi Kitahara established an IT company after working as a systems engineer and a management consultant for a computer manufacturer both in Japan and in the US. Since then, he has conducted research and consultation in the field of software, primarily focusing on the two domains of group communication and strategic decision-making. Dr. Kitahara has been Dean at the School since April 2016, and received a Ph.D. from Waseda University.

Research Interests

Decision Management, Creative Thinking, Entrepreneurship

Final Education

Ph.D., Waseda University

Awards & Honours

  • (2020) Teaching Award 2019, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute
  • (2019) Encouragement Award. Development Engineering
  • (2019) Teaching Award, Business School. Kurimoto Educational Institute

Academic Papers

  • Yasutomi Kitahara (2024) Harnessing Ordinary User Creativity in New Product Development ―Experiments and Discussion of Idea Interaction between Ordinary Users and Experts―. Business model association journal :2432-1850 / 2185-2480
  • Yasutomi Kitahara (2019) Effectiveness of non-expert idea creation activities for product development. Development Engineering 39 (1)


  • (2019) Effectiveness of corroboration by expert and non-expert in idea generation for new product development. Primary Researcher