
Faculty & Research

Mitsuyori Miyake

Adjunct Professor

Mitsuyori Miyake


Professor Mitsuyori Miyake has 20 years of experience in consulting and 30 years of experience in human resource management and institutional strategy. He completed a Ph.D. in Economics at Osaka University Graduate School, and has served at a number of companies including the Sumitomo consulting firm, Arthur Anderson, and the Japan Research Institute, Ltd. He plays a leading role in the wide field of human resource policy, administrative reform, and capacity development as well as consulting for financial institutions and major AV, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing companies. He is a member of the Japan Society for the Study of Business Administration (JBA) and currently teaches at Kinki University. Previously, he has also taught at Globis Management School, Otemon Gakuin University, and Kansai Gakuin University.

Research Interests

Management, Organization & Strategy

Final Education

Ph.D., Osaka University

Book & Case Publishing

  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2021) Tervita's Acquisition of Complete Environmental Inc. (A). Ivey Publishing.
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2021) AMC Networks Inc.: The Walking Dead Problem. Ivey Publishing.
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Oprah!. Harvard Business Publishing.
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Yelp. Harvard Business Publishing.
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Yelp (B). Harvard Business Publishing.
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Merck & Co., Inc. (A). Harvard Business School .
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) John Smithers at Sigtek. Harvard Business School .
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (A). Harvard Business School .
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (B). Harvard Business School .
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (C). Harvard Business School .
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Rob Parson at Morgan Stanley (D). Harvard Business School .
  • Mitsuyori Miyake (2020) Arck Systems. Harvard Business School .