
Faculty & Research

Hiroshi Uchikoga


Hiroshi Uchikoga


After Professor Uchikoga completed a master’s program at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Keio University, he joined Toshiba, where he was involved in designing the world's first laptop computer and contributed to the product planning division from 1988. While working at Toshiba, he earned an MBA from Harvard Business School. After leaving Toshiba in 1996, he served at Softbank as a manager in the investment division for two years. He founded his own companies; Knowledge Inc., Visionaire Corporation, and Veam Inc. Professor Uchikoga started his academic career at NUCB Business School in 2020 and was appointed as a full professor.

Research Interests

Management Strategy, Management of Technology

Final Education

MBA, Harvard University

Book & Case Publishing

  • Hiroshi Uchikoga (2021) Toshiba: Ome Works. Harvard Business Publishing. N9-696-059