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  3. How many years are needed to complete the program?

How many years are needed to complete the program?

The standard period for completion of an NUCB Business School master’s degree program is two years, but options such as the early completion system, long-term study system, and temporary leave of absence allow flexibility for students with other commitments, be they personal or professional.

The early completion system is available for those who have excelled in earning the required credits for completion in the first semester or semesters of their program, and plan to meet all requirements for completion within a year or a year and a half.

The long-term study system extends the program to up to four years for the same total tuition cost as the two-year program for those applying before the end of their first year of study.

The temporary leave of absence system allows students to take gap semesters for up to four semesters in total.

If you would like more information about the qualifying conditions or the application process, please let us know during the Q&A portion of any information session or orientation session, or simply contact the Administration Office and ask to speak with an academic affairs staff member.