SDGs project activities featured in the Chunichi Shimbun

On Thursday, October 14th, Fall 2021 SDGs Project participants visited Ena City, where RICOH is implementing their strategy toward attainment of the SDGs. Faculty members Professor Goi and Professor Hakeem guided the eight MBA students in fieldwork activity on the second day of the 4-day course. This event was featured in the morning edition of the Chunichi Shimbun on October 15, 2021.
Excerpt: (translated into English from Japanese original article)
The learning process enables participants to engage in a number of activities, ranging from self- initiated fieldwork, conducting intensive contextual studies and collecting data through surveys and interviews in group consultations in order to complete consulting proposals for stakeholders. After the fieldwork, the participants expressed their enthusiasm for the project; one student expressed, "I would like to propose better ideas based on the inspiration I gained in the forest.”
About the SDGs Project
The consulting project is a tripartite initiative involving the Ricoh Corporation, Ena City government (Gifu prefecture), and NUCB Business School, jointly piloted by Professor Hoe Chin Goi and Associate Professor M. Mohsin Hakeem.