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Pirates, Samurai and Robots, Pt. 3

#MBA #Human #Resources #Development

Will you have a robot manager one day, or will you be the manager of an office of emotionally intelligent robots?

21% of Japan jobs
30% of UK jobs
35% of German jobs
38% of US jobs

By 2030, due to advances in robotics and A.I., these percentages of jobs are at high risk of being lost from the workplace and shifted to robots. This is according to a recent report by PwC.

Our current understanding and definition of human resources is "the organizational function that deals with the people and issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, and training." However, when robots become an integrated part of the workforce this concept of human resources will likely shift to the practice of human development as the need for higher skilled workers who possess soft skills become more and more necessary in the competitive global landscape.

In the Japanese context, few countries are keeping pace with Japan's development of emotional robots like Softbank's Pepper. MBA Japan students have the opportunity to learn first-hand and in real time how these issues are coming together at the NUCB Business School. MBA and Master in Management students around the world may be at a natural advantage to succeed if they already have a highly skilled professional background.

From pirates to samurai to robots, the world has solved the problem of organizational functionality in many interesting and unique ways and the wave automation is certain to shape our idea of human development in the coming years.

When will your company's 'Human Resources' department become a 'Human Development' department?

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