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"School on Internet" SOI Asia Service Plan Contest Winners!

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

class report

We are proud to announce that two of our MBA students have taken first place in the SOI (School on Internet) Asia Service Plan Contest 2020, an international contest hosted by SOI Asia (Keio University & partners) with the purpose of fostering ideas to create social innovation
and matching potential service ideas with industrial partners.

Representing the NUCB Business School, MBA degree candidates Ms. Monica Chinn and Ms. Perla Rodriguez devised “Storynobashi,” an accessible service that helps individuals overcome and prevent loneliness by promoting active communication. It uniquely combines reminiscence
and cultural exchange activities to help people keep an active mind while learning through stories, and also motivates them to have an active lifestyle by increasing social interaction. Through the platform, participants share new knowledge and are inspired to continue creating new stories with others in real life.

For their prototype, the two students collaborated with EIEA (Enacity International Exchange Association) to launch bi-monthly Language & Cultural Exchange events with international students and Japanese residents from Ena City. Also, they collaborated with the NPO Feel the World and the Showa Era Lifestyle Museum to develop a virtual platform using Design Thinking and human-centered methods of innovation.

By demonstrating the strength of Frontier Spirit in empowering students to boldly think outside of the box and contribute positively to society, their accomplishment is an inspiration to the NUCB community. With our congratulations, we look forward to seeing impressive results from their future endeavors.