SDGs Project at the AACSB Asia Pacific Annual Conference 2021
AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) Asia Pacific chapter conference 2021 was held virtually on Thursday, November 17th. NUCB Business School faculty members Dr. Yokoyama (Dean of External Affairs), Dr. Goi, and Dr. Frendy participated in the conference and presented their research on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the theme “A Practical Case of SDGs Education: Achievement and Challenges.”

Both presenters Prof. Goi and Dr. Frendy discussed and presented the impact of their consultancy-based project course, which is an initiative employing a “Quadruple Helix” framework by involving representatives of government, industry, education, and society. The strengths of this framework and its potential applications were highlighted and explored with leading business schools in the region who joined the session to learn more about SDGs education.