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Educators sharpen skills at CCJ-HBP workshop

#Faculty #Workshop #CCJ #HBP #Educators #Curriculum #Pedagogy

Prof. Lim

Over 40 academics and program directors from 13 different educational institutions joined the “Art and Science of the Case Method” workshop, jointly held by Case Center Japan (CCJ) and Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) and hosted by our faculty members Prof. Ricardo Lim, Prof. M. Mohsin Hakeem, and Prof. Frendy.

Led by Prof. Lim, the main session put educators into the students’ role, as they participated in a demonstration of how an instructor can effectively manage the case discussion by developing opposing viewpoints.

The panel discussion led by Prof. Hakeem and Prof. Frendy gave all of the participants a chance to analyze the learning outcomes from the main session and offer their viewpoints on how to lead participant-centered sessions, when it is appropriate and most effective, and how to compensate for unpredictable factors.

Among the enthusiastic participants were faculty members from Tongji University, ESADE Business School, Qatar University, and other schools in Europe and Asia. All those who joined had valuable insights on the learning process and contributed to collaborative and fruitful analysis of both the case discussion session and the material around which it revolved.