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JETRO workshop brings Central Japan students and startups together



We were extremely proud to have played host to the JETRO Nagoya and the Central Japan Startup Ecosystem Consortium's "Startup x Global Talents" Workshop and Networking, bringing startups together with international and Japanese students. Encouraging the global development of startups, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) invited international students and motivated Japanese students who are interested in work or internships at startups to share their unique perspectives and ideas from around the world, and co-create with startups from Chubu who are working to solve global social issues.

Students from Gifu University, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya University, Shizuoka University, and NUCB Business School listened to pitches from six emerging startups based in the Chubu area: Olive, SPLYZA, Pinnovation, MEDICOLAB, MonoRevo, and Pi PHOTONICS. INC. Participants were organized into smaller groups, with students from different schools working together to generate ideas for social impact presented at the end of the session.

Over sandwiches and drinks, students and startup leaders came together during the networking session to share further insights and, hopefully, contact information. Events such as these benefit startups by providing them with a diverse set of consultants, all with fresh and modern business insights for developing businesses. In turn, students gain experience learning about startups with innovative business models, putting their ideas into practice and facing unique challenges along the way.