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AACSB APAC: Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century

#AACSB #International #Accreditation #Conference

All around the world the growth of programs and increase in resources for the development of entrepreneurship had reached new heights in business schools. Now, we ask the question – Are we doing the right things? The phrase “intrapreneur” defines the mind-set of a manager or employee as having the ambition or creativity of an entrepreneur within their larger company’s organization. So, regardless of whether the entrepreneur leads a new start-up venture, this question of “doing the right things” is relevant from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

Presenters in this session included Associate Professor Shenjiang Mo from the Zhejiang University School of Management and Jerman Rose, the Dean of SolBridge International School of Business. The NUCB Business School is already engaged with Zhejiang University with their Entrepreneurship Center for joint-research across the Asia Pacific Region and reaching into Europe as part of the Silk Road Entrepreneurship Education Network.

Key takeaways included the definition of entrepreneurship as the ‘pursuit of opportunity within limited resources’ and understanding that the result of new ventures started-up from entrepreneurial activities lead to many kinds of growth, job creation and improving the condition for many in society.

NUCB Business School

The AACSB International Asia Pacific Conference was held in Nagoya, Japan from Oct. 29 – 31 and was hosted at the NUCB Business School Nagoya Marunouchi Tower Campus. The city of Nagoya has long been the manufacturing heart of Japan and continues to experience explosive growth as a business hub for all of Japan. AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, is one of the three most respected and valued global accreditation bodies that signals the highest level of quality assurance to students, employers, and other business schools around the world. The NUCB Business School is only one of four schools in Japan with AACSB accreditation and the only one with AACSB and AMBA dual accreditation.