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Class Report: Service Design

#MIM #MBAEnglish #ClassReport

This course is to understand what Service Design is and execute service design methods in a group to create a life in 2030. First, students learn service design process based on IDEO and the other practical business cases. In a group, students identify important viewpoints to think about a life in 2030 and plan for the ethnography.

Then students conduct field work to visit a site to observe people in order to develop a persona. In a team, students share observations and discuss those from their diverse viewpoints. Students use the ethnography method to describe insights from the discussion and define a persona. After discussing findings, each team creates 2030 concepts and a prototype targeting to defined persona and utilizing insights during the team discussion. Lastly students discuss the gaps between the current and the future and how to fill the gaps between the current life and a life in 2030. Then students create a strategy and a road map to achieve the developed concept and present a concept, prototype, a road map and strategy for a life in 2030.

Dr. Yuriko Sawatani received her Ph.D. at the University of Tokyo. She joined IBM's R&D strategy then was assigned to research strategy at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and started service research since 2005 by leading On Demand Innovation Services. As a professor at the NUCB Business School, Dr. Sawatani is also supporting students with the Japan Business Model Competition.