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Digital Transformation Seminar - 5/16 - Venture Cafe Tokyo

#MIM #MBAEnglish

NUCB Business School Professor Ted Katagi will be delivering a seminar at the Venture Cafe in Tokyo on Thursday, May 16th from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Digital Transformation. Digital Transformation has been now a buzzword in Japan for several years now but digital transformation has been slow - even though systems and training are available. The key factor required is Personal Transformation. Personal Transformation requires new Processes to get past some major cultural barriers to change - these new Processes are explored and explained in this session. The session will be conducted in English and is open (free) to all participants.

Click Here for Event Page and Registration

Venture Café Tokyo is an organization with the mission "Connecting innovators to make things happen". Thursday gathering is the flagship event of Venture Café Tokyo. Through providing educational sessions and safe & comfortable networking space at Thursday Gathering, we aim to achieve our mission.

Ted is founder and CEO of Kenja - established 8 years ago to address the divide between Japanese enterprise and innovative software. Kenja is currently used by some of the world's largest companies in Retail, Trading, Employment, and NGOs. Before Kenja, Ted was also Private Equity head for Asia for Fidelity, Chief Marketing Officer of Japan for Vodafone, and Global Director of Commercial Strategy for Vodafone.