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[Class Report] Leadership Development

#MIM #MBAEnglish #MBA #ClassReport

Business administration and management education for MBA students is often centered around the “you.” What are your leadership competencies? How can you manage change in your organization? How can you inspire and engage others?

The first course offered in May at the NUCB Business School in 2019 is titled ‘Leadership Development.’ This course is designed to enable you to prepare yourself to exercise effective leadership in your career and life. You must be open to sharing personal insights, experiences, ambitions, and fears. Using readings, lectures, cases and experiential activates, the course will offer theoretical foundations, practical application and an opportunity for self-reflection that will allow you to continue the development of your leadership talent. Significant preparation including reading and reflection is required for the class discussion and exercise. In particular, this course focuses on themes such as “life story”, “losing your way" and “crucibles” as well as developing skills as an authentic leader through self-awareness, values, motivated capabilities and your purpose.

The course is conducted by Prof. Edica Lin. Prof. Lin brings twenty years of extensive HR and business operation experience in global organizations. In her career, she focuses on using innovative people and organization solutions to solve business challenges. She has a strong ability to manage change and complexity with a high degree of confidence, flexibility and cultural awareness. As a Taiwanese now based in Boston, she has spent her professional life between Japan, China and the U.S.