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Pottery in Japan: A Hands-on Experience

#Class #MBA #MIM #Japan #Culture #CulturalEnrichment

Japan has a rich history of pottery making or 瀬戸物 (Setomono) which spans well over 1000 years. The name "Setomono" comes from the region of "seto" and means literally "things from seto". Students from NUCB Business School traveled to the heart of Seto to the Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum to experience traditional Japanese pottery making themselves. Guided by the skilled hands of the local setomono craftsmen, students learned how to make their own plates, bowls, and even lucky cat figures.

A big part of the experience of NUCB Business School is practical education in business, but a strong understanding and appreciation for Japanese culture is also important for any future leader in the Japanese market. Working with your hands and experiencing the history of Japan first hand brings our students closer to the culture and history of nagoya and fosters a greater understanding of Nagoya itself. We encourage everyone not just NUCB Business School students to take the time to absorb and experience Japanese culture and history through the art of Setomono.