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Class Introduction: Big Data and Design Thinking

#MBA #MIM #Japan #Nagoya

Big Data and Design Thinking are all about the big ideas that are shaping our lives and molding the future of not just business, but how we interact with each other on a daily basis. Taking advantage of the open concept auditorium on the 12th floor, participants in this weekend's special 3 day Big Data and Design Thinking class, led by Prof. Giulio Toscani, are being challenged to expand their horizons and grapple with high level concepts that are changing the future of business and society. Artificial General Intelligence, The Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, and many more are just a few of the topics to be covered in this cutting edge course. Participants will be challenged and invited to see how AI technology can give a competitive edge to any firm in the global marketplace.

Prof. Giulio Toscani is a powerhouse in the world of AI research and business school education. With a long list of accolades, PHD from the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and experience studying Artificial Intelligence at MIT, Prof. Giulio Toscani leads this seminar in an active and engaging manner. Participants are challenged and encouraged to bring their best discussion points and ideas forward as Prof. Toscani leads the class in grappling with high-level and exciting concepts in the field of AI and Big Data.