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With EQUIS accreditation, the first Triple Crown in Japan achieved

#EQUIS #Triple Crown #Accreditation #Asia


On September 29, 2021, NUCB Business School was awarded European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accreditation from the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), one of the largest international quality evaluation organizations for management education.

Only educational and research institutions that demonstrate the highest possible quality in curricula and research activities throughout a rigorous review by a panel of esteemed expert examiners are eligible to become one of the few hundred (as of now 197 business schools worldwide) to earn EQUIS accreditation.

International accreditation is a key indicator of the quality of an MBA education for companies evaluating candidates with various educational and research backgrounds. Graduate schools of management that have acquired all three of the most influential and established international accreditations - AACSB (U.S.), AMBA (U.K.), and EQUIS (Belgium) - are known as ‘Triple Crown’ schools achieving the highest level of excellence. With its accreditation by EQUIS, NUCB Business School now becomes the first Triple Crown business school in Japan, having also been the first to be dual-accredited by the AACSB (2006) and AMBA (2009).

We are proud to be amongst the 1% of business schools worldwide (numbering 100 in total) with this distinction, and are eager to continue improving the quality of our programs in line with recommendations from the world's foremost experts on management education.

Triple Crown