
Faculty & Research

Network Report

Announcing the 3rd student-led webinar series, Inclusive Environment

Building an Inclusive Environment is essential to any organization that truly wants to be connected to the society, acknowledging, accepting, supporting, respecting and valuing each and every single individual, their unique experiences and perspectives, regardless of differences. This applies at all scales: studies have shown that when Diversity & Inclusion are properly implemented, the performance of the organization is improved across the board with various metrics (productivity, innovation, financial performance, etc.).

The Global Frontier Network (GFN), one of the subnetworks under the Student Representative Council (SRC), is made up of current students who would like to leverage the strength of our School's diversity in order to engage all members of the NUCB community and business professionals with a new webinar series, starting with the theme of Team Building.

While there is no one stop solution for Building A Winning Team, we can certainly draw inspiration from a success story. To this regard, the GFN is inviting the Negotiation Club, which recently won the world renowned "The Negotiation Challenge", to share their experience of building their team and leading it to success against teams of other prestigious institutions.

Schedule: Monday, June 7th, 2021 (8 PM-9 PM JST)
Platform: Zoom  
Registration link:  (link will be sent 1 hour prior to the event)

Download the flyer

About the Global Frontier Network

GFN is a student-led initiative that strives to be the platform that brings together the School's diverse community and forges new connections. With borders and boundaries coming down, it is essential to be mindful of the various differences and nuances tied to everyone's background and experiences.

• To build a strong community that reflects the School's founding vision of embracing the "Frontier Spirit" by leveraging diversity and applying knowledge to inspire others
• To ensure an accessible, inclusive, and stimulating network for all students, regardless of their gender, nationality, ethnic, cultural, social, religious and political backgrounds.

• To energize student mobility between all programs
• To encourage knowledge exchange within and outside the community
• To embrace international exposure, cultural awareness and global business practices