
Faculty & Research

Network Report

The 7th meeting of the Learning Network was held online


On Tuesday, January 19, the 7th Learning Network Event "OD for Manager - Introduction to Organizational Development for Managers, Part 2" was held online with about 60 participants, including current and former students and faculty members of the School. With the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), the business environment, people's values, and work styles are dynamically changing, and maintaining and improving organizational productivity and facilitating communication in the online environment have become important issues for many organizations. We are now facing "challenges that require adaptation," which cannot be solved with existing knowledge and technology, but require us to change our way of thinking and explore solutions through observation and dialogue.

With these premises in mind, the participants discussed and talked about values, academic findings, and practical examples of Organization Development (OD) and Dialogue, and deepened their exploration of what they have learned and how they can apply it. The participants deepened their inquiry into what they can learn and how they can apply it. Mr. Naoya Sekizawa, an EMBA graduate, was aware of the lack of opportunities for businesspersons to learn OD in a practical way, and planned and managed this series of lectures offered by the Network. Participants interact with each other regardless of their program affiliation or year of enrollment/completion, and actively exchange information and opinions using the Facebook group. This is one of the attractions of studying at NUCB Business School.

About the Learning Network

This is one of the official networks established by the alumni of our school.
It is a network for our current students and alumni to deepen their mutual learning by sharing their own learning and skills through output sharing. We are looking for people who not only participate, but also contribute content for discussion. You can learn not only from the input in the classes, but also from the output in this network.

Executive MBA

The Executive MBA program was launched in 2003 as the first program of its kind in Japan for working adults who wish to become core members of corporations. Ninety percent of our faculty members are practitioners who have been active on the front lines of business. Unlike the so-called "one-way academic lectures to train researchers," the program provides practical learning directly related to business by reflecting the experience and knowledge gained through practical work in the lectures.