
Faculty & Research

Network Report

3rd meeting of the Learning Network held virtually


On Thursday, December 3rd, the 3rd Learning Network event was held virtually. This year's event, called "Adult's Taste: The World of Wine Glasses," was held with the aim of educating participants by inviting an outside lecturer who works for Riedel Japan. In order to let the participants know that the taste of wine varies greatly depending on the wine glass, each participant used his or her own wine glass and mug to compare the taste of wine. The participants were surprised and fascinated by the fact that the shape of the glass changes the way the taste buds perceive the wine, depending on which part of the tongue is touched when the wine is poured into the mouth. The lecture introduced the four types of glasses that are most suitable for wine: white wine, red wine, light wine, and heavy wine.

About the Learning Network

This is one of the official networks established by the alumni of our institution.
It is a network for current students and alumni of the School to deepen their mutual learning by sharing their own learning and skills through output sharing. We are looking for people who not only participate, but also give input and produce engaging content. Participants can learn not only from invited speakers, but also from the output offered by network participants.

Executive MBA

The Executive MBA program was launched in 2003 as the first program of its kind in Japan for working adults who wish to become core members of corporations. Ninety percent of our faculty members are practitioners who have been active on the front lines of business. Eschewing unidirectional academic lectures for training researchers, the program provides practical learning directly related to business by reflecting the experience and knowledge gained through practical experience.