
Faculty & Research

Book Publishing

The Economic Policy Ideas of Tanzan Ishibashi

原田 泰

By reading and interpreting the literature on Ishibashi Tanzan's economic philosophy and the economic policies he attempted to implement as Finance Minister and Prime Minister after the war, Prof. Yutaka Harada will clear up misconceptions about Ishibashi. This work will show how Ishibashi's understanding of the Showa Depression was more modern than that of his contemporaries, and consider what Ishibashi would have said about policies to deal with the current deflation if he were alive today.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Ishibashi Tanzan's Understanding of the Showa Depression
Chapter 2: Why was Tanzan Ishibashi's understanding of the Showa Depression buried?
Chapter 3: Tanzan Ishibashi's understanding of the Showa Depression and Keynes's financial theory
Chapter 4: Is Ishibashi responsible for postwar inflation?
Chapter 5: What would Tanzan Ishibashi think about the current monetary policy?
Chapter 6: Why the Inclined Production System became the achievement of Hiroki Arisawa?
Chapter 7 Ishibashi Tanzan and the Pacific Conference: Focusing on the Population Problem