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  5. Kaneko Tomoaki
  6. Illustrated! Management Accounting in the IFRS Era: Reconstruction of Management Accounting Necessary Now

Illustrated! Management Accounting in the IFRS Era: Reconstruction of Management Accounting Necessary Now

Kaneko Tomoaki

This is an introductory book that explains in an easy-to-understand manner how to reconstruct management accounting in line with the new global accounting standard IFRS era. IFRS is an accounting rule that makes it easier for investors to make comparisons between listed companies in the borderless securities market, but financial accounting for external reporting purposes cannot be used as is for internal business management. Therefore, in this book, the author, who is a certified accountant, can understand how to reconstruct management accounting so that IFRS can be actively used for management, such as application from basic ideas to management, based on the essence of IFRS.