
Careers & Alumni

MBA for Tax Accountants

Gain the management perspective to provide solutions toward the formulation of a sound financial strategy

About 20 years ago, tax accountants were the ones who supported small and medium-sized businesses in all aspects of finance and accounting, from bookkeeping to tax filing and payment. However, with the spread of accounting software and the Internet, as well as the improvement of IT literacy among businesspeople, more than a few of these services have become replaceable. In the coming era of AI, 5G, cashless, and blockchain, this trend will accelerate. This is why the next generation of tax accountants will need to be more advanced financial consulting professionals. So, what should one do to become a financial consulting professional for the future?

By studying business administration and mastering management, leadership and marketing, you will gain the same perspective as the managers of the small and medium-sized companies that are your clients. Reading and understanding the meaning of the numbers on the financial statements from the perspective of managers and recognizing the management issues of their clients will bring out the best from your expertise in taxation and accounting, enabling you to provide solutions and be involved in the formulation of management strategies. Through the Certified Tax Accountant MBA program at the NUCB Business School, professionals are trained for the financial consulting work of the future.
