
Faculty & Research

Center for Case Method

The 27th CCJ Case Method Workshop

The 27th CCJ Case Method Study Workshop, hosted by the Case Center of Japan, was held at the Tokyo Campus.


The "Burberry" case developed by Ivey Business School was used this time, and the participants had read several pages of the case and the attached materials in advance submitted their assignments, and were ready for the group and class discussions. The discussion leader's humorous and fast-paced instruction kept the participants happily thinking and sometimes hesitating. In the debriefing after the lecture, Mr. Takeuchi, the director of the Case Center Japan, talked about the importance of examining the educational relevance and the relevance of the process to achieve the educational objectives, and all the participants discussed the issue.

What is the Case Method Study Group?

The Case Method Workshop is a study group held several times a year where people who explore the case method share their skills and wisdom with each other to create better educational practices. We will continue to hold this workshop in the future, so if you are interested in the case method, please join us.