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Isuzu in Thailand

#automobiles #pickup #vehicle


Isuzu is Japanese pickup which has high quality and durability. However, from many reasons, Isuzu is not appropriate to drive in Japan and in order to survive in the market Isuzu needs to expand its market to the other countries especially the countries in Southeast Asia. Thailand is the best example of outstanding Isuzu brand strength. From the past to the present, more than 40 years that Isuzu rushed on the roads of Thailand and it was praised to be the best pickup by Thais broadly. This case will explain the success of Isuzu in Thailand including strategies and capacities of Isuzu in order to be the market leader of pickup market. In addition, this case will mention the big competitor as Toyota who has already become the new market leader of pickup market. For many years, Toyota can occupy market leader in many types of automobile market except pickup market. However, in the last two years Toyota can win. This case will explain what the successful strategies of Toyota are.

Detailed information

Case ID 10-1047
Published 2010
Analyzed Area Competitive strategy
Pages 16
Language English
Teaching Note Attached