
Case Method

Case Library

TEFAL 2011

#Brand #management #Marketing #Communication


This case study deals with a challenge faced by TEFAL, the global leader of non-stick cookware. It evokes the Communication and Marketing strategy of the brand to answer a new trend in consumers’ behavior and maintain itself in front of its growing competition. TEFAL has always been successful on the French market, creating this market segment in the country and then expanding abroad. However, from the very beginning it has also suffered from debates and rumors about a supposed health hazard of using non-stick pans. Up until now this had not affected the brand as much as to put in jeopardy its market shares but recently new brand ranges have appeared on the market and the situation has begun to change. Indeed, they advertise “healthy and environmentally-friendly” products, with a surface made of ceramic instead of non-stick. The vocabulary they are using is closely linked with the history of TEFAL, and indirectly revives the general suspicion. As a consequence, while the ceramic brands keep progressing and winning over consumers, TEFAL is beginning to loose market shares and its brand image is once again put in jeopardy. Thus, TEFAL is now at crossroads: the decision it will make will affect its profitability and its future in the years to come. How can the brand win back consumers’ trust?

Detailed information

Case ID 12-1035
Published 2012
Analyzed Area Marketing
Pages 17
Language English
Teaching Note Attached