
Case Method

Case Library

PIXAR 2013

#Creativity #Cinematographic #industry #Innovation


PIXAR is one of the most famous Animation Studios in the world, maybe just after Disney. Since its creation, it never experienced a failure at the Box Office and each film were highly profitable. PIXAR always knew how to surprise and impress customers and professionals with new, original and internally created ideas, high quality pictures and complex technology. This case study aims to explain what are PIXAR secrets and especially management practices to foster creativity and financial success in a complex and risky industry that is the cinematographic industry. Indeed, as Ed Catmull added: “While I’m not foolish enough to predict that we will never have a flop, I don’t think our success is largely luck. Rather I believe our adherence to a set of principles and practices for managing creative talent and risk is responsible.” Through Ed Catmull’s interviews and employees’ feedbacks, we will see that people are the main key success factor. We are also wondering how PIXAR will evolve in the next decade and how its acquisition by Disney may or may not change its editorial line and quality standards. This case will tackle management practices that aims to foster creativity and to raise commitment and performance among employees.

Detailed information

Case ID 13-1041
Published 2013
Analyzed Area Human resources management
Pages 22
Language English
Teaching Note Attached