
Case Method

Case Library

ArtPrize 2014

#Non-Profit #Arts #Culture #Management


The “ArtPrize 2014” case study presents the story of a socially oriented US-based nonprofit organization founded by Rick DeVos in 2009 with the aim of bringing art and discussion about art to the masses. ArtPrize is a “radically open” art competition with the largest sum of money awarded to the winner than in any other art competition in the world. The story presents the history of the organization, of DeVos’s previous endeavors, and the relevant background information of Grand Rapids, MI that sets the scene for DeVos’s social endeavor. The case outlines the dilemmas DeVos and the rest of the ArtPrize staff have faced getting their event to be socially accepted and financially viable. In addition, this case describes the lengths that ArtPrize has gone to in order to engage the communities in West Michigan that haven’t previously participated in ArtPrize due to their economic status, location, or language barrier. Finally, the case leaves the reader wondering how DeVos will be able to balance ArtPrize’s social mission with the need to become financially viable. DeVos’s family has given and loaned a total of over $5 million to the cause and ArtPrize did achieve a profit in 2013, but will ArtPrize be able to continue to stand on its own as it expands its social goals?

Detailed information

Case ID 14-1066
Published 2014
Analyzed Area General management
Pages 27
Language English
Teaching Note Attached