
Case Method

Case Library

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 2020

#企業倫理 #風土改革 #組織行動


This case investigates the organizational culture and marketing strategy dilemmas within a Japanese firm from three perspectives: law, economics, and ethics. First, this case breaks down the Quality Assurance scandal and subsequent investigations that lead to its discovery. Then, it closely examines the business ethics and organizational culture that allowed record manipulation and tacit consent for a long period of time. Second, this case examines the condition and process necessary for a corporate transformation though the lenses of the employees’ reactions, impact on business results and adverse effects toward the approaches taken on the transformative campaign. Third, this case analyzes the organizational culture and models, and their relevancy toward business ethics followed by analysis on necessary conditions to design a reorganization. The case will then consider the proposition to foster a sense of ethic in organizations and individuals

Detailed information

Case ID 20-1171
Published 2020
Analyzed Area Organizational behavior & leadership
Pages 26
Language Japanese
Teaching Note Attached