
Case Method

Case Library

OYO Japan 2021

#Venture business #HRM #Organizational behavior


The case focuses on the essence of a high-growth IT platform venture company's arduous journey in the Japanese Hospitality & Real Estate sector. The research shows OYO's business's positive and negative footprint in Japan and globally. The overview of the case study will be based upon the relationship between the stakeholders in the OYO's business ecosystem with Japan's market-specific requirements and macro environment. Promises are met and dismissed to each stakeholder, creating challenging experiences for middle management to deliver the results to meet business objectives. Entrepreneurial leaders joined at an early stage to build the new business portfolio for OYO, leveraging the existing resources in Japan to create a new business model. Airbnb has made history for travelers, and OYO leaders were trying to make history in the Hospitality & Real Estate industry. OYO was trying to be the Amazon of Hospitality and Real Estate with a strong sense of mission, solve social issues for the 8 million vacant houses, and optimize small medium-sized hotel/house owners' unoccupied room problems. Additionally, trying to bring disruptive ideas to Japan to achieve the fastest expansion in history. The research title summarizes that an entrepreneurial organization must have the fundamental capability to go through challenging times and still win investors' trust. There will always be unexpected situations for a new organization, but there are ways to shape the organization to be sustainable. This case provides insights into middle management perspectives to understand business and human resources challenges. Follow the founder and India management's aggressive mission and balance following the local custom and regulations to build a sustainable corporation that people are engaged, motivated, and proud of.

Detailed information

Case ID 21-1173
Published 2021
Industry TELECOM & IT
Analyzed Area Social enterprise & ethics
Pages 21
Language English
Teaching Note Attached