
Faculty & Research

Center for Entrepreneurs

MBA-style Incubation

The School offers business incubation at the NUCB Business School Center for Entrepreneurs. The Center for Entrepreneurs is an incubator for developing the personnel necessary to rise to the challenges of creating new businesses, as well as leveraging the educational know-how and HR network obtained in MBA learning. The NUCB Business School Center for Entrepreneurs is especially attracting attention for its strong support of second-time startup efforts.

A second-time startup means an enterprise develops products, services, and markets different from its main business, in keeping with (or ahead of) changes in the business environment. The study of long-standing businesses reveals that many companies over time launch new businesses in order to remain competitive and successful, making the support of entrepreneurs adopting this strategy essential.

Overview of the Center for Entrepreneurs

The Center for Entrepreneurs offers support for businesses, and is different from the conventional Incubation Center or shared office. You will be able to build up a network of connections not only with professors who have experience opening up businesses and consulting, but also with participants aiming to obtain an MBA and possessing a high level of awareness and critical thinking ability.

In particular, the MBA network groups of the NUCB Business School, including those for registered management consultants, tax accountants, and healthcare professionals, are the largest in Japan. Networking and collaborating with these groups will surely stimulate new ideas and experiences that budding and veteran professionals alike will benefit from and treasure for life.

Expected participants

  1. The Next Generation of Leaders and Managers

    Those who need operational skills for succeeding and revitalizing a business. Those who aim to be independent as next-generation managers by launching new businesses.

  2. The Business Development Manager

    Those who are launching a new enterprise, but lack experience and need to ensure that the business is launched on the right track in a short period of time.

  3. Individual Entrepreneurs

    Those who have an initial idea for a new business or product, or want to expand, but lack the resources necessary such as financial capital, qualified personnel, or business relationships.

Support service for starting businesses– the EMC process

Participants can develop the necessary management skills, which many tend to lack in preparing their own businesses, through short-form MBA courses (essentials). Simultaneously, the concept of the business is refined through consultation with experienced instructors (mentoring). Research workers can focus on the future concept by securing a dedicated space for developing new ideas, separate from their workspace, at the Business School (co-working).

The process of mentoring - IPEF

The mentoring for participants goes through 4 stages: business concept, plan, building, and funding. These processes take 12 to 24 months.

  • STEP1

    Business concept

    Generating ideas for business with other members through field methods, such as action observation (2 months).

  • STEP2

    Business plan

    Designing a business model based on generated ideas, and tying it to the business concept (1 month).

  • STEP3

    Business building

    Refining the plan with products and/or services which meet the needs of customers, laying out the path to commercialization (6 – 18 months).

  • STEP4


    Creating a business plan to present to financial institutions and venture capital firms in order to receive funding (3 months).

Application for the Center for Entrepreneurs

Those who join the center will do so as research students of the NUCB Business School. We offer two options: individual membership (annual fee of JPY600,000) and corporate membership (annual fee of JPY 1.5m, up to 3 members). To visit the center and hear more details about application conditions, please contact the NUCB Business School Administration Office.
