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Promoting diversity of experience at the F2021 Study Abroad Fair

#International #StudyAbroad #PartnerSchool

Nagoya campus

The Study Abroad Fair took place on 4th December, 2021, at the Marunouchi Tower campus of NUCB Business School in Nagoya, with presenters from PIM Network partner schools and participants joining via Zoom from Tokyo Campus and around the world. Study abroad possibilities add tremendous value to our students' degree programs, especially considering the diversity of programs available at 129 global partner institutions in 55 different countries. This year, NUCB Business School became the newest candidate member of the prestigious PIM Network, full membership in which will open further possibilities for study at top business schools around the world.

Sharing the application timeline

Schools featured included the Coller School of Management of Tel Aviv University in Israel, Chinese University of Hong Kong in Shenzen, China, IPADE Business School in Mexico, Luiss Business School in Italy, and EDHEC Business School in France.

The biannually held event is not only an opportunity to learn about the academic programs overseas, but also to gain insights into daily life in another part of the world, as well as important information on the application process.

Students inspired to embrace the Frontier Spirit and boldly go overseas to add an extra dimension to their study programs can learn more about our Exchange Programs and Double Degree Partner Schools by visiting the link below.