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For international students, welcoming toasts to new experiences in Japan

#International #StudyAbroad #PartnerSchool

Thumbs up!

Japanese borders having been closed to international students for the majority of the past two years, the news that student visas would again be issued in March of this year was received with great excitement. Since then, we have welcomed over 60 foreign nationals with student visas issued in 25 different countries, some of whom have been enrolled since 2020, into Japan and our lecture auditoriums for MBA and MiM case method courses taught in English.

On May 28th, a gathering of international students and the faculty, staff, and students of Japanese programs who wish to welcome them was held on campus, offering performances of traditional Japanese arts, free-flowing drinks, and delectable edibles alongside lively conversations between colleagues and friends, new and old.

Spirits were raised with a welcoming toast from Dean Seiichiro Iwasawa, who gave thanks to the faculty and staff in charge of international programs, followed by thrilling demonstrations of traditional Japanese arts such as kenbu, taiko, and shudo, masterfully performed by Mr. Yuji Ando, an EMBA alumnus of our institution and Representative Director of the Japanese Traditional Arts Experience Platform (日本伝統文化伝承プラットフォーム), and his associate Ms. Tamaki Sugiura.

We look forward to once again holding events such as these regularly, breathing new life into our campus and providing enriching experiences for those sharing diverse perspectives brought together by a common frontier spirit.

About the Japanese Traditional Arts Experience Platform