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Let’s Go Straight to the Conclusion: There are No Correct Answers in an MBA Class

#MBA #Conclusion #Class

If you think you have seen the title of this article somewhere, you may be recalling my column regarding how there are no correct answers in an MBA class. It goes without saying that 1+1=2, right? Well the synergy effects management expects from a merger between two companies is the “magic formula” of 1+1=3. Yet, as one can imagine, often the case ends up being just 1+1=1, due to differing organizational cultures and practices in the two firms.

Let’s try a completely different topic. For example, what can a Web browser do if there is no Wi-Fi available? Your response might be, “What are you talking about?” The answer is, ‘Nothing at all!’” Well, try pressing your space key one time. Imagine: your game loads and you’re ready to play!

No correct answer means unlimited possibilities, opportunities for creation. And that is the same for MBA education. Isn’t that exciting?