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Do Japanese people need an MBA?

#MBA #Japanese

Essentially, the value of an MBA education should not be related to nationality. However, if the business school offering this program is not secure, theories will begin to float around whether it is not necessary and it will not get a fair assessment. MBAs that began in 2000 have already been eliminated, but will there be an answer on the authenticity even after ten years?

Every year, around 260 thousand people take the preliminary screening tests (or similar exams) for the MBA throughout the world, which is called GMAT. So, even if you make a minimum estimate of the numbers, that means that there are about 130 thousand (about half) educated candidates for MBA management. This momentum has not changed over the past ten years, and if it continues as it stands, it will be a non-negligible force compared to the world population of 65 million people in 50 years.

Why is MBA accepted overseas? There is also a feeling that an MBA is not necessary. The work results says it all, and just working at the job will help to understand the whole process. However, what if you do not have to think about various factors such as the kind of decisions preferred by the bosses who will work together from tomorrow, at a time when M&A and business tie-ups have become commonplaces of (everyday) life across borders? Which are the competences for management? What is the level of understanding in different cultures?

One of the answers to the question is the managerial training program called “MBA,” which allows a measure of legitimacy to determine whether these challenges can be overcome, and is accepted by managers all over the world. Nonetheless, the history of MBA education still lacks depth, and there are not many schools that understand the essence of MBA education provided by real business schools, such as educational methods, research systems, and facility environment.