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The Relationship Between Health Care and the MBA

#MBA #Healthcare #Pharmaceuticals #industry

There are two types of MBA programs: the generalist MBA, which aims at a comprehensive and systematic understanding of management, and the specialized MBA, where one studies a specific function (marketing, finance), region (Asia or the Middle East), business type (venture or family business), and/or industry (fashion, health care, agriculture, etc.).

The contemporary health care industry is enormous, with many high-tech and global approaches, as is readily obvious when one considers trends for medical equipment manufactures or pharmaceuticals firms. At the same time, there are numerous regulations and restrictions, in addition to the demand for the highest ethical standards and innovative awareness, given that this industry’s task is saving lives. Meanwhile, even as the hospital is an organization involving specialist groups, in Japan, family management remains a strong element of the industry, all of which requires management with full awareness of corporate culture, leadership, project and enterprise succession, and so on. MBA acquisition has been popular in recent years among doctors, dentists, and veterinarians. With the aging of Japanese society, there are sure to be numerous opportunities for peripheral businesses that go beyond the current framework of long-term health insurance.

I’ll let you in on some important news . . .

Actually, this was just decided in a meeting the other day: starting in the next academic year, we will be offering an MBA in Healthcare Management, one that matches the needs of MBA course participants from the world of health care.