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Who can obtain an MBA degree?

#MBA #degree

If others are getting it, I’ll get it too.

This headline appeared on one of the online news channels, and I thought that this was an article on MBAs, but it seemed like an occupational illness. When I read the article thoroughly, I realized it was about gold medals and I was amazed by the wonderful performance of Yuzuru Hanyu. There have been exhaustive discussions on every front regarding the value of obtaining an MBA degree, but since there is a confusion between real intentions and public stance, today, I would like to focus on who is supposed to pursue an MBA. To conclude, the following three categories of people are eligible to obtain an MBA degree.

  • Those who aim for managerial positions
  • Those who are considering entrepreneurship
  • Those who want to inherit a business

"How do you confront failures?" - This is a question that is commonly asked by these people. You will certainly fail if you challenge new things. People who have no failures in their life are those who have no room for failures. If you take on a new challenge, you will definitely fail without exception. The more the challenges, the more failures that you will confront. However, once you fail, it becomes possible to make improvements. As a result of trying more times, you will eventually achieve success, and therefore will not have many more failures than the person who made lesser attempts.

What is MBA education? It is difficult to express this in a single word, but it would suffice to say that it is "a place to train leaders to learn from failures", and it is the role of a business school to make this a place where there are high-quality discussions.