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New Student Orientation

#MBA #MIM #MBAEnglish #International

In the last week of August as the summer heat slowly changed to cooler air, students from representing thirty-three countries and coming from over thirty different global business schools arrived in Nagoya, Japan to the start of the Fall 2018 semester at the NUCB Business School.

The vast majority of students live either at the Chiyoda residence which is located in the central part of the city or in the Higashiyama Global Center which is nearby the famous Higashiyama Zoo. Students are met by staff of the graduate school who provide support for checking in, getting oriented in the area and understanding the most important points about living in Japan.

The new student orientation brought in nearly 80 students to the 10F Auditorium of the NUCB Business School on a very inauspicious day. Tuesday, September 4th was the day that Typhoon Jebi landed in Japan but nevertheless the students gathered from the late morning to early afternoon for the welcome introductions to the school and the program.

As part of the orientation, students learn a bit more about the history of the Nagoya University of Commerce and Business. With an eighty-three year history, the students are exposed to the founder and the founding motto “Frontier Spirit” when the school was originally established in 1935. Travelling through the years, the NUCB Business School today still aims to inspire the students with this idea and promote entrepreneurial behaviors and innovative mindsets in all programs, including the Global Leader Program. Welcome to the new regular students, double degree students and exchange students!

The NUCB Business School has 113 elite global partner institutions in 51 countries around the world. As the most globally oriented business school in Central Japan and one of the top leading business schools in all of Japan, the emphasis on study abroad and international exchange is a key driver of the mission at the NUCB Business School. For details about the double degree program and procedures for new applicants and current students please visit our dedicated page "international Program."