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Class Report: Business Model Innovation

#MBA #MIM #MBAEnglish #ClassReport #VisitingFaculty

“When we look at the countries and nations around the world, we can see that there are people living in technologically advanced places where communication, trade, work, and leisure are easily accessible to everybody, while others are still living naked, with no contact with civilization, and in close symbiosis with nature.” This is the introduction to the course overview of Business Model Innovation which is offered as a new course in the Global Leader Program at the NUCB Business School.

Led by Visiting Professor Edson Kondo from FGV EBAPE in Brazil, the course focuses on giving students an understanding of the emergence of new business models, how they affect current business models and how students can stay at the forefront of business model innovations. With a background deep in academics including a PhD from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and positions at the University of Tsukuba, University of Tokyo and institutions throughout Brazil, Professor Kondo had the following comment about his experience delivering a case method course at the NUCB Business School, “The quality of NUCB’s facilities are unparalleled and it is an enormous joy to teach here. The students were very dedicated, competent, smart and came form a large number of different countries.”

In the beginning of the course students compared the business models of with Wikipedia and engaged in large group and small group discussion on the value propositions, cost structures, sources of revenue and key success factors of each company. Are you ready to consider a change in your company’s business model?

The NUCB Business School has 113 elite global partner institutions in 51 countries around the world. As the most globally oriented business school in Central Japan and one of the top leading business schools in all of Japan, the emphasis on study abroad and international exchange is a key driver of the mission at the NUCB Business School. For details about the double degree program and procedures for new applicants and current students please visit our dedicated page "international Program."