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AACSB APAC: Innovative Approaches in Higher Education

#AACSB #Accreditation #International #Conference

Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Innovation Office Dan LeClair proposed three questions for consideration for participants as the AACSB Asia Pacific Conference 2018 came to a close in Nagoya at the NUCB Business School Nagoya Marunouchi Tower Campus. First, in what ways are business schools innovating? Second, what can we learn from these innovations? And third, how are schools reorganizing and restricting to enable innovation?

Drawing in inspiration from UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals and Bill Gates, LeClair illustrated some of the best examples and best practices of AACSB accredited business schools that empathize, connect, organize and lead as well as laying out a framework of five strategic opportunities for business schools to innovate. Leading the session as an interactive dynamic and asking participants to contribute to the discussion – well suited for the NUCB Business School auditorium spaces used for case method – which perfectly addressed the conference theme “Innovations That Inspire, Challenge 2019.”

NUCB Business School

The AACSB International Asia Pacific Conference was held in Nagoya, Japan from Oct. 29 – 31 and was hosted at the NUCB Business School Nagoya Marunouchi Tower Campus. The city of Nagoya has long been the manufacturing heart of Japan and continues to experience explosive growth as a business hub for all of Japan. AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, is one of the three most respected and valued global accreditation bodies that signals the highest level of quality assurance to students, employers, and other business schools around the world. The NUCB Business School is only one of four schools in Japan with AACSB accreditation and the only one with AACSB and AMBA dual accreditation.