
About Us


UNICON 2019 x NUCB Business School

#MBA #Entrepreneurship #Startup #MIM #MBAEnglish

How to Apply

Students must first be nominated by their home universities. Upon receipt of your nomination, the NUCB Business School International Affairs team will help you with your application documents, arranging your student visa, giving you pre-arrival advice and everything else you need for your preparation to come to Japan.


In Singapore on February 23rd and 24th, the National University of Singapore (NUS) Entrepreneurship Society held UNICON 2019. This unique conference is promoted as “Asia’s CRAZIEST student conference” but there was nothing crazy about the theme of the conference, which is ‘creating the unicorns of tomorrow.’

Speakers from a variety of fields and positions as entrepreneurs, founders, CEOs and directors led the two days of the conference in a variety of sessions that all promoted the idea of entrepreneurship and creating value at scale. Most notable among the speakers were Chatri Sityodtong (Founder, CEO of ONE Championship) and Rachel Lim (CEO of Love, Bonito). Three NUCB Business School students attended this conference and reported the following comments about UNICON 2019 -

“This is a great platform for young aspiring graduates who are looking into entrepreneurship as their career options. They would be able to do networking, listening to the experience entrepreneurs on their struggle of starting up a company, what to prepare before making the jump and a little insights from the speaker's respective industry such as ride hailer, shopping platform, VC/incubator and etc.

This might be basic advice but most speakers talk about developing a resilience attitude and failure is part of the game - 'repeat, repeat and repeat'. Well, I'm more of an analog guy. So the best part about the event was it made me realised how important a business to go digital. Not just businesses, even as an individual we need to keep up to stay relevant. The exploration of new tech should be part of manager's routine because it can lead to finding more effective ways of doing business. The current trends at the moment are FinTech and blockchain.“

To see the frequently asked questions, please go to "FAQ".

Contact Details

If you have any questions about our exchange program, please contact:

Ms. Narumi FUTAMURA - Incoming Exchange, Student Support
Ms. Ayumi KOBAYASHI - Outgoing Exchange, Academic Affairs
Mr. Leonard LEISER - Coordinator for International Development

International Affairs E-mail -