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Class Report: Innovation & Creative Thinking

#MIM #MBAEnglish #MBA #ClassReport

Recently achieving the rank of full-time professor, Dr. Goi leads the first of a series of courses offered at the NUCB Business School, Graduate School of Management in the field of design thinking and innovation. As a Weekend MBA course in the English track of MBA Japan students spend the first two days of the course focusing on the introduction and deepening of the concept then take a break during the weekdays until the second weekend of the course which focuses on the experience and application of the concept.

In Dr. Goi's words, this class puts forth the proposition that "to achieve innovation and creativity, “Design Thinking” is evident as a powerful concept and practical methodology that has been successfully employed by corporations, such as IDEO (Design & Consulting), Apple (Technology), SAP (IT) and Academic Institutions, such as Stanford University D School (New product development), as well as NUCB Business School (Area Innovation). Thus, this course aims to introduce the concepts of innovation and learn the methodology of design thinking through case studies, case simulation, and apply the learnings on a real context of a local town in Chiba prefecture in Japan as our Area Innovation project."

Professor Dr. Goi Hoe Chin provides rich experience in management research on student-based venture creation in universities, especially in Japan and the ASEAN region. Currently, Dr Goi has designed and employed a "Collaborative based Design Thinking” model for the purpose of creating social impact in local towns. Leveraging on the diverse network and resources, he collaborated with local community leaders and a real estate corporation to experiment his model at several Japanese regional towns in Kanagawa, Chiba, Gifu and Aichi prefectures.