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Audencia Visits NUCB Business School

#MIM #MBAEnglish #MBA #PartnerSchool

On May 15th in the early evening at the NUCB Business School, the International Affairs team welcomed our colleague from Audencia Nantes School of Management. Ms. Michelle Cristy, the International Relations Manager, has been in Japan with Campus France to promote Audencia as one of the top business schools in Europe for Japanese students. During the visit she spent two days in total in Nagoya to visit the undergraduate school, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, and graduate school, NUCB Business School, to also promote the amazing study abroad opportunities afforded by Audencia.

Audencia is one of the top-tier elite business schools in France. The business school holds triple-crown accreditation from AASCB, AMBA and EQUIS and position their school and experience in France as a way to ‘never stop daring.’ Audencia is one of the older institutions as well – being founded in 1900 – and is part of Conference des Grandes Ecoles in France and is highly ranked consistently in Financial Times, QS and the Economist.

Audencia is a highly valued partner school that offers either the exchange or double degree option. Michelle spent most of her time with the students at the NUCB Business School discussing short programs in Winter (Jan-Feb) and an MBA study tour in March that appeals to the students who work full time or are only able to enroll on a short programs while completing their MBA at the NUCB Business School. Contact the International Affairs office for more details on Audencia abroad and all the exchange opportunities possible as a student!