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[Class Report] Corporate Finance

#MIM #MBAEnglish #MBA #ClassReport

Corporate Finance. These words together represent one of the many challenges or hurdles in endeavoring on an MBA degree for those without a background in finance. As a business school based in the manufacturing heart of Japan, a significant population of the MBA cohort comes from an engineering or technical background and the concept of a Corporate Finance MBA-level course can be a concern to students unfamiliar with the finance functions of a business.

The MBA offered by the NUCB Business School has been designed to cover all functions of a business – marketing, leadership, management, HR issues, strategy and of course finance from the perspective of Corporate Finance with a view on project planning and Financial Analysis with a view on financial flows and statements. Students at the NUCB Business School are fortunate to have a professor as passionate and skilled as Dr. Seiichiro Iwasawa who brings energy and experience to students of all levels of (dis)comfort in Corporate Finance. This year, in order to support the newest cohort and first-time students, Dr. Iwasawa led a pre-class workshop on the Wednesday evening before the weekend class to get students ready to talk finance at the weekend.

Before joining the faculty member at the NUCB Business School, Dr. Iwasawa had worked for Nomura Securities (1987-2012), the largest investment bank in Japan, as a securities analyst and an equity market strategist. His main area of interest is Behavioral Economics and Finance and he received an MBA at Boston University, and PhD in Economics at Harvard University.