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Class Report: Marketing Management

#Class #Marketing #MBA #MIM #Japan

Marketing Management taught by Dr. Sarah Wilner introduces and finely tunes students understanding of how marketing is managed in the modern business world. Starting with the basics students quickly dove into more complicated cases and answered questions regarding the fundamental ideas behind marketing and how they can be effective marketing managers. Core concepts include Consumer based brand equity, social media marketing, political positioning as a brand and many others.

Sarah Wilner, PhD is Laurier Chair in Brand Communication and Associate Professor in Marketing at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Professor Wilner prefers qualitative research methods; she investigates phenomena by being immersed in them.
She has published in various journals including Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Wilner teaches courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level, including Consumer Behaviour, Brand Management and Integrated Marketing Communications (undergraduate); Marketing Foundations, Consumer Behaviour and Brand Management (MBA); Product Commercialization for High Tech Products (MSc.) and Qualitative Research Methods (PhD).